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CSIRO Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship

  • Mr Jonathan Law
  • Dr Robert Hough
  • Dr James Cleverley
  • Dr John Walshe
  • Dr Louise Fisher

Cluster leader

  • Prof Kliti Grice, Director of WA-OIGC, ARC QEII Fellow-IIDepartment of Chemistry, Curtin University

Theme Leaders

Theme 1: Characterisation – Organic and Isotope Geochemistry of Mineral Systems

  • Associate Prof Paul GreenwoodCentre for Exploration Targeting, The University of Western Australia

Theme 2: Field Characterisation Studies

  • Prof Campbell McCuaig, DirectorCentre for Exploration Targeting, The University of Western Australia

Theme 3: Thermodynamic Modelling

  • Dr Katy Evans, ARC Future FellowApplied Geology, Curtin University

National Collaborators

  • Prof Julian GaleNRI, Department of Chemistry, Curtin University
  • Prof Birger Rasmussen, ARC Professorial FellowApplied Geology, Curtin University
  • Premiers Fellow and Winthrop Professor Malcolm McCulloch, ARC Laureate FellowARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, Oceans Institute and School of Earth and Environment, The University of Western Australia
  • Dr John MoreauGeomicrobiology Lab, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne
  • Associate Prof Jochen Brocks, ARC QEII Fellow-IIResearch School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University

Senior Researchers employed on the cluster

  • Senior Research Fellow, Dr Jeffrey DickWA-OIGC, Department of Chemistry, Curtin University
  • Senior Research Fellow, Dr Caroline JaraulaWA-OIGC, Department of Chemistry,Curtin University
  • Senior Research Fellow, Dr Susan CumberlandGeomicrobiology Lab, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne

PhD students

  • Mr Hendrik GrotheerWA-OIGC, Department of Chemistry Curtin University
  • Mr Alexander HolmanWA-OIGC, Departments of Chemistry/Applied Geology, Curtin University
  • Miss Siyu HuWA-OIGC, Departments of Applied Geology/Chemistry, Curtin University
  • Miss Aileen Mirasol-RobertCentre for Exploration Targeting, The University of Western Australia
  • Mr Benjamin BruistenResearch School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University

International collaborators

  • Prof David LeachUS Geological Survey
  • Prof Arndt SchimmelmannIndiana University
  • Prof Lorenz SchwarkUniversity of Kiel
  • Prof Roger SummonsMIT, US
  • Prof Everett ShockArizona State University, US
  • Prof Jeff SeewaldWoods Hole Oceanographic Institute, US
  • Prof Alex SessionsCaltech, US

Cluster Management Committee (CMC)

  • Prof Kliti Grice chair Curtin University
  • Prof Campbell McCuaig UWA
  • A/Prof Jochen Brocks ANU
  • Dr John Moreau Melbourne University
  • Dr Katy Evans Curtin University