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Professor Kliti Grice

Kliti Grice

John Curtin Distinguished Professor Kliti Grice is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and an internationally renowned organic geochemist who creatively combines geological information with data on molecular fossils and their stable carbon, hydrogen, sulfur and nitrogen isotopic compositions to reconstruct details of microbial, fungal and floral inhabitants of ancient aquatic environments (geobiology). She is well known for identifying geological and environmental basis  for some of the largest mass extinctions of life in Earth’s history. She is currently investigating the changes in the paleoenvironment in the Chicxulub crater (Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico) drilled by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) Expedition 364.

She has integrated molecular and isotopic information on plant and algal physiology, microbial ecology, food-webs, organic chemistry, and energy and environmental geochemistry with the geological record of our planet’s history. Her analyses of the natural variation in stable isotopes of lipids present in controlled growth experiments from extant plants, algae and grazing organisms have provided new insights into how these systems function across palaeoecological to modern timescales and across a wide spatial range. She is also researching geobiology of extinct species and especially environments associated with exceptional soft tissue preservation of fossils (Konservat and Konzentrat-Lagerstätten).

Grice’s outstanding research reputation has also attracted many national and international PhD and postdoctoral scholars to the wonders of Earth science.


Our Research


Prof Kliti Grice

Phone: +61(0)8 9266 2474
Fax: +61(0)8 9266 2300
Location: Room 500.2116, Bentley Campus, Bentley, WA 6102.

Postal address

Curtin University
GPO Box U1987
Perth, WA 6845

University campus

Find us in the Resources and Chemistry Precinct (Building 500) on the campus map

Latest News and Updates

Graduating PhD Students – Congrats!


Congratulations to Maddison Tripp and Sohaib Naseer Quraish for graduating from their PhD’s this weekend!

Early Career Geoscientist Advisory Panel – GSA


Dr Madison Tripp and Dr Amy Elson have both been selected to join the Early Career Geoscientist Advisory Panel of the Geological Society of Australia.

This is great recognition of Madison’s and Amy’s contributions to Geosciences.

Congratulations to Madison and Amy in their new advisory roles.

ARC Grant


WA-OIGC staff Kliti Grice, Alex Holman and Navdeep Dhami have been successful in receiving an ARC LIEFP grant alongside colleagues Morten Allentoft, Benjamin Mullins, Jo McDonald, Aleksey Sadekov and Kathryn Linge. The ARC grant will fund a project looking at compound specific isotopes of polar organic molecules in complex mixtures.